Start Your Website step By Step


Step by step how to create a WordPress Website

Anyone who wishes to develop a professional website should consider creating a WordPress website. You may easily and quickly develop a professional website using WordPress, and you won't need any technical skills or a lot of time.

WordPress is, in fact, the ideal platform for building a website... Whether it's a small business site, a business site, a huge organization's site, a blog, an educational site, or even a free WordPress site, there's something for everyone.

According to the official WordPress website, WordPress powers 41% of all websites on the internet, including world-famous sites with millions of monthly visitors.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a CMS (content management system) that allows you to quickly and easily develop and administer a website.

This is an integrated platform for creating a blog or website (Website Builder). It is an integrated solution for creating a site, including everything you need from hosting, domain names, and a tool to design and manage the site.

This platform is paid, with several packages available on a monthly or annual basis, as well as a completely free package that allows you to establish a fully functional WordPress site under the name of a subdomain of the domain.

How to make a professional WordPress site?

The first step is to reserve a domain name.

The domain name is the name of your website on the Internet, and it takes the form "," as in the domain name "" for the victors.

Whatever method you choose to establish your site, you'll need a domain name to make it visible on the Internet, as it serves as your online address.

Many hosting companies give you a free domain when you sign up for a year of service, and most hosting firms have their own stores where you can quickly purchase domain names using your personal account with them.

Best Domain Name services?

The second step is to make a reservation for hosting.

Web hosting is a service that allows you to save the content files for your website in one location so that they could be displayed on the Internet. If you do not subscribe to a hosting firm, your website will not be able to appear on the Internet.

There are two types of hosting available when using WordPress:

WordPress hosting on a dedicated server: It's a WordPress hosting service with the advantage of having all of the necessary WordPress files pre-installed, so all you have to do is start building your site right away after signing up.

The other sort of hosting is used for all types of websites, and you upload the WordPress file and start setting it up manually, which does not take half an hour.

In any event, most reputable hosting companies provide a particular plan for WordPress site owners that is pre-configured to work with the WordPress site builder right away.

Here's a quick rundown of several great hosting companies where WordPress may be set up automatically:

Steps for Hosting:

For the following reasons, I'll include examples for booking Bluehost hosting in particular:

  1. Because it is one of the most significant, best, and well-known web hosting services (it has a long-standing name in this market).
  2. It works well with WordPress, and they provide ready-to-use WordPress site-packages.
  3. It is recommended by the official WordPress website.
  4. In comparison to other hosting companies, their costs are really reasonable.
  5. High security and quick hosting.
  6. In short, WordPress hosting is an excellent option for you, and we strongly advise our winners to use it.
Here are the methods to do Bluehost hosting:

1. Go to Bluehost's hosting page and select WordPress Hosting.

2. Select the correct package

You'll be transported to the page where you may choose the suitable package after selecting the WordPress hosting button indicated by the arrow in the image above:

This section isn't immediately visible; instead, you'll have to scroll down a little to find it.

Select the desired package and press the Select button. The greater the price, the better the package's capabilities and features, as you can see by reading the package comparison under the Select button.

Don't be fooled; you can upgrade to any package at any time. You can start with the Basic package, which is the cheapest, but if you want a strong start and have extra cash, I highly recommend the Choice Plus package.

3. Decide on a domain name

You'll be transported to the domain name selection screen after hitting the Select button in the previous step, as illustrated in the image below:

You have two possibilities, as you can see:

  • Connect a domain that you already own to your account (you may have bought it from any company before).
  • Bluehost can help you get a new domain (all packages come with a free domain).

Of course, you can skip this step and create your domain later by clicking the blue I'll create my domain later option.

I recommend using the free domain feature, so here you must select a domain name and click the Next button.

Note: If you select a domain name that has already been reserved, you will receive a message informing you of this, as well as suggestions for similar domain names, or you can continue to make modifications until you discover a decent domain name for your site.

4. Account creation, payment, and data entering

After selecting a domain name, if one is available, you will be directed to the account creation page, where you will be required to submit a large amount of information in order to create your account.

The data is divided into numerous sections, and the following is an explanation of each one in order:

1- Account Information

It requires you to provide basic information such as your name, email address, and phone number.

B-Package Information

The hosting reservation term is displayed here, and you may change it using the arrow to the right of the rectangle. You'll see that they default to a year and a half, but you can modify it if you want.

C - Package Extras

In any hosting company, there are always side services, some of which are free and some of which are paid, and in this section, you will find certain services that have been automatically incorporated, as well as the total account (hosting account + side services) at the bottom of the page.

Of course, you are free to change any of the points as you see fit (adding other services or canceling services that were included automatically).

D - Payment Information

To pay with a credit card, enter the information directly; to pay with a PayPal account, click the red arrowed More Payment options button.

Check the box to agree to the conditions at the bottom of the page, then click the Submit button.

Congratulations, your hosting is now available for you to start building a WordPress site.

Your hosting credentials, control panel login credentials, and, of course, you can contact Bluehost's customer care department with any questions (they have excellent support service).

Let's go on to the next step, which is WordPress hosting on the server.

Step three is to set up WordPress.

Important note: The following explanations are from the Cpanel control panel, which is the most widely used control panel in the hosting industry, but many hosts have their own control panel (including Bluehost).

The appearance of the control panel and its layout may alter slightly, but the elements, functions, and tools are all the same... So don't get confused; just look for the required element in each stage and follow the instructions.

You may now begin installing WordPress in one of two options:

In the first situation (you've picked a WordPress hosting plan), you'll need to:

  1. Log in to your hosting control panel by entering (username, password).
  2. Go to the WordPress Tools section, then click on the WordPress Installer icon to start the WordPress download process.
  3. Choose the domain name you want to install WordPress on.
  4. Click on the “Install now” button and you will find the login information to your site (Url Login, Username, Password).

You can also contact the support service to do these steps for you, and they will send you the login information to the WordPress dashboard on your email.

If the first case (dedicated WordPress hosting) applies to you, then you can bypass the second case with its 10 steps.

The second case: (You chose a non-dedicated hosting for WordPress sites), and in this case you have to manually configure WordPress through these steps:

1. Log in to your hosting control panel by entering (username, password).

2. Open Mysql Database.

3. Create and name your site's database.

After clicking the Mysql Database tab in your site's control panel, a page containing all of the database data will open, allowing you to build a new database, as seen in the image below.

4. Make a username for yourself.

Go to the paragraph about generating a username on the same page below and do so, as indicated in the image below.

5. Add the Database to its username.

On the same page, you will also find a section for adding the database to the username, as shown in the image below.
(After pressing the Add button, select All Privileges)

Now that you have your Database and Username linked together, follow the steps to fully configure WordPress for your site.

6. Download the WordPress file. If your site is in English, download it here >>>>

And if your site is in Arabic, download it here >>>

7. Return to the Control Panel (Cpanel), then click on the File Manager tab.

8. Upload the WordPress file by clicking on the Upload button, and make sure to upload the file directly under the public_html path.
To access the public_html path, copy and paste “public_html” into the search box above and press Go, or by clicking directly on the path in the column to the left.

See the image below for clarification.

9. Unzip the WordPress file.

The WordPress file you uploaded in the previous step is a zip file, containing a lot of folders and files. To decompress, select it and then click on the Extract button at the top (see the image above, you will find an Extract button in the middle at the top of the image).

10. Connect WordPress to the database you created. 

Open the wp-config-sample.php file, then change the database data. After decompressing the file, you will find among the WordPress files a file called wp-config-sample.php, select it and press the Code Editor button at the top (the fifth icon to the right of the Upload icon, see the image above).

After selecting the mentioned file and clicking on the Code Editor button, a new tab will open in the browser with a code as in the image below. Type the database name, user name, and password in the places shown in the image below, then click the save button.

Whether your site belongs to the first or second state, you can enter your site by placing this part at the end of the domain name >> wp-admin/, for example, “”

A page will appear to you as in the image below, enter the login information and then press the enter button.

You now have a complete control panel for your WordPress site. You can now design your WordPress site in the way you want.

The WordPress website has two interfaces:

  • The front-end
  • The back-end

Front End: What your visitors will see when they come to your site. Many of the tasks that are performed on the backend appear on the front end, such as template customization, plugin improvements, and content publishing.

The backend: Known as the Control Panel or Dashboard, it allows you to fully manage your site, its functionality and design, and it can only be accessed by those who have an account on your site using a “username and password”.

Fourth Step: Choose a WordPress Theme and Upload it

Once you have WordPress installed on your site, you have a WordPress site, but initially and traditionally. In order to be able to make your site unique and control how it appears to visitors, you must choose a WordPress template that fits the content of your site that you want to show.

WordPress Themes: These are ready-made designs for websites that have been made specifically to work on WordPress sites, and you can choose any of them and upload it to your hosting site to be the design of your site.

There are two types of WordPress templates:

1. Free Templates

They are templates created by volunteers and made available to everyone for free, and there are thousands of them on the WordPress site itself, and you can access them through your WordPress site control panel.

2. Paid Templates

They are templates created by people or companies, and they are mostly professional templates with a lot of features, and more effort has been made to develop them, and they are constantly updated, so you have to pay money to get one of them.

There are a lot of specialty stores and websites where you can buy a WordPress theme, one of the most important and famous is ThemeForest.

For more information on understanding WordPress themes, how they work, the most important criteria for choosing a WordPress theme, how to install and activate a WordPress theme, and a list of the best WordPress themes, visit the article link below:

WordPress Theme Guide (Get the Best Theme for Your Site)

Now, here are the steps to upload a new template to your site:

  1. Log in to your site's control panel.
  2. In the column to the right, hover over (Appearance), then click (Themes). You will find a list of templates that already exist and you can activate any of them.
  3. To upload a new template, click on the “Add New” button, you will find it at the top right.
  4. You will find many free templates uploaded with WordPress that you can choose from as you wish.
  5. To use any of them for your site, press the install button, then the activate button.
  6. If you want to upload a WordPress template from your computer (when you buy a template you can download its files to your computer), then click on the upload template button at the top right, choose the zip file of the template and upload it. After uploading the template, you will see it when you click on Appearance >> Templates, and then you can activate it (ie, the application to use it on the site).
This is a picture that shows everything that was explained above.

Step Five: Customize the WordPress Theme

Customizing the template enables you to set the site identity (setting the title and description of the site, setting menus, adjusting home page settings, and some other important tasks. To customize your site follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your site's control panel.
  2. Stand on the Appearance tab in the side menu, then click (customize).
  3. The personalization section will open for you, from which you can change the identity of your site in terms of name, logo, logo, and also choose the shape of the site's home page (fixed page or articles)
  4. You can also adjust the template's properties by going to Appearance >>>Templates, and then clicking on the Customize button below the template used.

Step Six: Upload the Most Important Plugins

Plugins are designed to expand the capabilities of WordPress and add new features and functionality, especially to your site. After installing WordPress, you can upload some plugins that enable you to fully protect your site, help you build it completely, and increase its speed.

Here are the steps to upload an extension to your site:

  1. Log in to your site's control panel
  2. Click on (Plugins) in the side menu, then click (Add New).
  3. Type in the search location the name of the extension.
  4. The results will appear, including the addition to be uploaded.
  5. Click on (Install) then activate (active).
  6. The extension will appear in the black sidebar, where you can adjust it and activate its features fully or partially.

Step Seven: Start publishing content for the site

Content presentation in WordPress is divided into two basic types, articles and pages, and you can link a group of articles to one category.

Here are the steps to create a WordPress post:

  1. Log in to your site's control panel.
  2. Click on (Articles) then (Add New).
  3. You can add a title and topic text and link the article to a specific category.
  4. Click Publish.
  5. Click on View Article to be able to view it in visitor mode.

The steps for creating a page are not much different from creating the article, just stand on the Pages tab in the right column, then click Add New.

Now we have finished the steps of creating a WordPress site, and I think we have detailed and simplified how a WordPress site works step by step, if you have any comments, questions, or requests, we are more than happy to help you, so don't hesitate to comment or send us an email through the site.

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